Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

PHOTO SESSION,but, Bagus can not participate with us: (

BRIEFING SESSION ,August,12th 2010

This time not in the briefing attended by Alfin and Bagus in because there are other interests:
Menciptakan lagu - lagu baru
Mencoba sesuatu hal yang lain daripada yang lain
Yuk , Nyanyi yuk ! 
Ayo dong mas Wedee, Jangan lemes walaupun puasa
hahah, lemes banget si Wedee, bentar lagi maghrib kok. hehe 

Smile Frantics had six personnel

We Are :
Ragha - Vox
Alfin - Bass
Wedee -Lead Guitar
Roboy - Drum
Bagus - Right Guitar
Imam - Keyboard